DEBATE: Is Space Exploration Worth The Cost?

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Space exploration is receiving heightened interest recently. This is due to the 50 year anniversary of the moon landing and also to the growth of private space exploration. This raises the question: is space exploration worth the cost? It is undeniable that space exploration is extremely expensive. What is less clear are the benefits of exploring space. We will debate about this topic.


As you know, the PRO team will agree with the topic and the CON team will disagree. It is very important to prepare for both sides of the debate. Below you will find reading material, viewing material, and listening material. It is okay if you do not understand all the words and all the ideas in this material. What is most important is that you take information from articles, videos, and podcasts that you can use in the debates!

The reading material below contains several important CLAIMS, REASONING, and EVIDENCE that can help you to construct arguments in your debates. Remember, not everything in the articles is useful. Do your best to read through the material and identify the most compelling and persuasive evidence.

Please download and read these articles:

These videos will help you to better understand our debate topic! When watching the videos, take down some notes in your notebook about the main ideas and arguments made. Try to write neatly so that you can use your notes later to prepare for the debate!

After the moon_ What’s next for space exploration?

What Is Space Exploration Doing For You?

Inventions from Space Exploration

The following vocabulary words should help you as you read, watch, and view the material:

Respondents: (noun) people who respond to something.
The respondents to the survey were very split about whether they wanted more time or more money.

Stability: (noun) the state of being resistant to change.
Having a steady flow of income builds stability in a family. 

Scarcity: (noun) when there is not enough of something.
People who have to work two jobs have a scarcity of spare time.

Pervasive: (adjective) spreading widely throughout an area or group.
Many parents are worried about the pervasive need for money to take care of their families.

Mundane: (adjective) ordinary, common, boring.
Working long hours every day of the week can create a very mundane life. 

Adage: (noun) a traditional saying.
My grandmother keeps repeating the same old adage, “Time is money.” 

Impede: (verb) to interfere with or slow the progress.
Often the drive to attain more wealth will impede your ability to enjoy life.  

Slew: (noun) a large number.
There are a slew of people headed to the park for some leisure time.

Savor: (noun) to enjoy something completely.
Sally will savor every minute of her day off.

Notoriously: (adverb) a quality or fact is well known.
Her husband was a notoriously lazy man who valued his free time over getting a job.