WSDC 2012 | Preliminary Round | England vs South Africa | This house believes that the police should use racial profiling to fight crime.
WSDC 2015 | Semifinals | Pakistan vs Singapore
WSDC 2018 | Round 5 | Germany VS Croatia | This house supports a school voucher system.
WSDC 2018 | Grand Finals | Team India and Team China | This house believes that the west should end all arms sales and military cooperation with Saudi Arabia
WSDC 2018 | Semi-Finals | China vs. England | This house believes that rehabilitation should be the only consideration in criminal sentencing
WARSAW EUDC 2016 | Open Final | Oxford A vs. Oxford B | This house would rationalize and provide public access to the meta data being gathered by the online multinational companies
WSDC 2011| Finals | England vs. Scotland | This house supports free immigration
WSDC 2017 | Octo-Finals | Team England vs Team Hong Kong | Military Response to Cyber Attacks
WSDC 2016 | Grand Final | England vs Canada | THBT states should be allowed to pay other states to relocate and settle refugees