WSDC 2014 | Semi Final | CANADA vs SOUTH AFRICA | The house drone strikes are a legitimate tool of foreign policy
Thessaloniki WUDC 2016 | Open Quarterfinals | TH supports the establishment of a black secessionary state within the territory of the US
EUDC 2011 | Grand Finals | This House Would Pay Reparations To Women
WARSAW EUDC 2016 | Open Final | OxfordA vs. Oxford B | This house would rationalize and provide public access to the meta data being gathered by the online multinational companies
Thessaloniki WUDC 2016 | Open Quarterfinals | TH supports the establishment of a black secessionary state within the territory of the US
WUDC 2010 | Semi Finals | THB that the United States government should subsidize Twitter to liberalize oppressed societies